This is what I know of love
It is cruel
It reaches into your soul with
Fingers made to grasp all
That which is good
And holy
Within you
And tells you
Ah now you feel it?
Now you know
What it is like to be me?
The one you love?
Can you watch me die and scream
Can you wait quietly
For me to return
Can you live and breathe
With the knowledge of
My anxious existence
On this earth
This planet of contingencies
Of Sartre’s nausea
Of looming biomorphs
And igneous rock
Of hot Camus beaches where
We know not what we do
Of random interventions
By the Mad Divine
The writer of the Script
Slapping down each line
As we say it
Helpless on stage
We move from
One blocked spot
To another
Sensing each moment that
All was leading to
This point
This place
Where you reach out
To hold me
To hear my crazy
Beating heart
The madness in me
That binds me
To you